One of the great truths found in the Old Testament is that as God formed the nation of Israel and he gave them their commands, their covenant of how they were to be faithful to him, if you know your Old Testament, they almost always broke covenant, and yet God continued to return and to return and to return to them. He rescued them time and time. When we think then, in the New Testament about the martyrs, about those who gave their lives for Christ, and even now, to this day, there are martyrs around the world, those who are giving their lives for Christ. Sometimes it seems like God didn't rescue them, that he didn't make it there in time, but the fact is is that in looking at the book of Revelation, martyrs are honored, and they are glorified in heaven. So the fact is, by the very nature of their martyrdom, they have won, they are victorious. So while we pray for our Christian brothers and sisters, we are thankful for the victorious martyrs.