I can sort of laugh momentarily at the question I'm the godliest person I know, what do I do now? But in reality, that can be the case. You might be a believer finding yourself in a local church where there just isn't an emphasis on the preached Word, there isn't an emphasis on discipleship and on growth, and you find yourself starving. Well, let me give you two little pieces of wisdom. First of all, then set an example for everyone else. Be the one that others will follow. Be the one that loves the Word and is contagious about the Word. The second piece of advice is you need to find others who are like-minded, whether that is outside your church or in a completely different church. Whatever that takes, you have got to come alongside and have others come alongside you. I understand the loneliness of perhaps being the only one that you feel like is really trying to follow Christ, and so ask the Lord and he will help you not only to set an example, but to have others come alongside you.