Five Church Situations Which Benefit from Outside Resources
Accounting and Human Resources
For me as a preaching/teaching pastor, just the words “accounting and human resources” are less interesting to me than words like “Christology” or “expository preaching” or “discipleship.” And in fact, the church in which I serve is blessed to have numerous men and women who happen to have expertise in these areas; I do not take that for granted.
Five Church Situations Which Benefit from Outside Resources
Designing a New Facility or Remodel
This short series is devoted to the local church that might derive some benefit for outside resources. Scripture teaches that the ultimate authority in the local church is the body of elders/leaders God has raised up (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1). But sometimes the better part of wisdom with this body of leaders is to utilize the help of outside resources with specific knowledge. This series suggests five situations which might benefit from an outside resource.
Why is God so severe all the time?
Sometimes the question is asked, "Why does God seem so severe in some of His punishments, "for example in the Bible?" Well, that question is actually based on a faulty assumption, and that is that I somehow am able to judge what God aught or aught not to do. The fact is, that this is His creation. E...
Doesn't discipline steal the joy out of serving God?
Sometimes, in a less than friendly moment, one Christian may say to another who is suffering, "Well, clearly God is disciplining you." Can I tell you what the right answer to that statement is? The right answer is, yes, He is, and I thank you for saying that, because that means, according to Hebrews...