
Moses to Israel (the second generation that came out of the Egypt)

Where & When

This book was written as the fifth book in a five-part series (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) in approximately 1406 BC in the Wilderness of Sinai and/or the Plains of Moab just south or east of modern Israel. In the context of its composition, Israel resides in the Transjordanian Plateau region and is poised to conquer the Promised Land of Canaan on the other side of the Jordan River.


Deuteronomy is a sermon preached to Israel on the banks of the Jordan River before they enter and conquer the Land of Canaan. It is Moses’ last will and testament to the second generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt exhorting them to love their God and stay faithful to Him all their days so that they may fulfill their mission as a Kingdom of Priests to the nations. This book establishes the “WHY” of God’s plan for Israel. Israel is called to be a Kingdom of Priests so that they may love God supremely and serve Him faithfully all their days. This is to be a model to the nations to draw all people to the one and only God.


Be paying attention to these important terms that occur in this book:

  • Speaking (from which the Hebrew name for the book of Deuteronomy comes)
  • Listening (Hearing)
  • Love
  • Fear (or Reverence)
  • Service (or Work, Slave, Servant)
  • Guard (or Watch)
  • Heart (or Mind)
  • Commandments, Ordinances, Laws, Teachings, Precepts, Judgments
  • Turning Away (or Repentance)

Also note a unique feature in this book where the plural “you” and singular “you” interchange quite a bit. You will need to use a Hebrew Interlinear Bible or Bible Software (e.g., The Step Bible, Logos, Accordance, etc.) to distinguish the plural and singular “you’s”.

Literary Outline

  • Deut. 1:1 – 3:29 The Historical Precedent
    • Deut. 4:1 – 11:32 The Law’s Purpose—Love
      • Deut. 12:1 – 26:19 The Ten Commandments in Action
        • Deut. 27:1 – 28:68 Blessings and Curses
      • Deut. 29:1 – 30:20 Yahweh’s Unfathomable Plan
    • Deut. 31:1 – 32:47 Covenant Witnesses
  • Deut. 32:48 – 34:12 God’s Plan for Israel beyond Moses