
Joshua to Israel (second and third generation Israel)

Where & When

This book was probably written around 1385 BC, toward the end of Joshua’s life in the land of Israel. Though the exact location of composition cannot be ascertained, Joshua delivers his final words to Israel at Shechem. It can be surmised that this is the location where some or all of the words of the book are recorded. In the context of its composition, Israel now resides in the land after conquering many of their enemies. They dwell securely, but not all enemies have been removed, leaving Israel is a susceptible position.


To showcase God’s faithfulness in giving Israel the land which He swore to their forefathers and to establish His people in the location where He chose to bless the world through His people. Also, to demonstrate Israel’s ineptitude to fully subdue the land of promise, highlighting their inability to serve Yahweh with all their heart and implying the need for someone greater to subdue the Land in their place. This book establishes the “WHERE” of God’s plan for Israel. This is the final piece that establishes God’s kingdom plan for Israel, and it answers the final diagnostic question, providing the location of God’s kingdom plan.


Be paying attention to these important terms that occur in this book:

  • Land (or Earth)
  • Cross Over (or Pass Over, Pass Through)
  • Take (or Sieze)
  • Divide (or Apportion, Distribute)
  • Serve (or Servant, Slave)
  • Take Possession (or Dispossess, Subdue)
  • Inherit (or Inheritance)
  • Send

Literary Outline

The book of Joshua highlights four of the key words listed above to form a literary outline of Israel’s progression in taking the Land of Canaan.

  • Josh. 1:1 – 5:12 “Cross Over” (עבר) to the Land
  • Josh. 5:13 – 12:24 “Take” (לקח) the Land
  • Josh. 13:1 – 21:45 “Divide” (חלק) the Land
  • Josh. 22:1 – 24:33 “Serve” (עבד) Yahweh in the Land