
Moses to Israel (the second generation that came out of the Egypt)

Where & When

This book was written as the third book in a five-part series (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) in approximately 1406 BC in the Wilderness of Sinai and/or the Plains of Moab just south or east of modern Israel. In the context of its composition, Israel resides in the Transjordanian Plateau region and is poised to conquer the Promised Land of Canaan on the other side of the Jordan River.


To instruct Israel about the holiness of God and the holy standard that they are called to replicate in order to be the Kingdom of Priests to which they have been called. This book establishes the “HOW” of God’s plan for Israel. Israel’s mission to be God’s Kingdom of Priests to the nations is only accomplished through holiness (the “HOW”).


Be paying attention to these important terms that occur in this book:

  • Calling (from which the Hebrew name for the book of Leviticus comes)
  • Holiness (or Sanctifying, Set Apart)
  • Atonement (or Covering)

Literary Outline

This chiastic outline for Leviticus was adapted from The Bible Project. By referencing this, we are not condoning everything that The Bible Project has produced, but the outline of Leviticus was instructive in this case.

  • Lev. 1:1 – 7:38 Routine Regulations
    • Lev. 8:1 – 10:20 Priestly Regulations
      • Lev. 11:1 – 15:33 Purity Regulations
        • Lev. 16:1 – 17:16 The Day of Atonement
      • Lev. 18:1 – 20:27 Purity Regulations
    • Lev. 21:1 – 22:33 Priestly Regulations
  • Lev. 23:1 – 27:34 Routine Regulations