
The Prophet Samuel to the twelve tribes of Israel toward the end of Saul’s reign (or beginning of David’s reign)

Where & When

This book was probably written by the prophet Samuel before David’s reign over Israel (i.e. during the era in which Saul pursued David; perhaps some years before 1011 BC), or perhaps at the beginning of his reign (perhaps as far as 1000 BC). Samuel writes Ruth as a follow-up work to his composition of Judges. Ruth acts as the “good-twin” of the two, featuring God’s faithfulness in a period of sin and devastating consequences in Israel. Samuel lived in Ramah, so it is speculated that perhaps he compiled this account in Ramah.


To highlight God’s faithfulness to the remnant of His people during an era saturated with sin in Israel, showcasing God’s unfathomable plan to preserve His seed against all odds through David’s line and simultaneously to associate Gentiles with the seed, thus proving that David (and his Messianic line) is God’s choice of King for Israel.


Be paying attention to these important terms that occur in this book:

  • Eyes (compare with Judges)
  • Redeemer (or Kinsman Redeemer, Redemption)
  • Bethlehem (City of David)
  • David

Literary Outline

  • Ruth 1:1–5 David’s Ancestry and Its Curse
    • Ruth 1:6–22 Bitterness in Bethlehem
      • Ruth 2:1–23 Gleaning for Hope
      • Ruth 3:1–18 Threshing out Hope
    • Ruth 4:1–17 Redemption in Bethlehem
  • Ruth 4:18–22 David’s Ancestry and Its Blessing