Series Synopsis

Pre-Flight Checklist examines the necessary components to assurance of salvation to make certain you land safely in heaven. This is a unique series aimed at honing in on a person’s view of Christ and how this impacts assurance. For the believer in Christ, it is a timely reminder that Christ must increase and we must decrease, devoting all our attention and devotion to our Savior. This would be a key series to forward on to unbelieving family and friends.

Sermons in this Series

November 6, 2016

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 1: Is Christ My Lord?

John 1:19-28 • Steve Swartz

November 13, 2016

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 2: Is Christ My Savior?

John 1:29-34 • Steve Swartz

November 27, 2016

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 3: Is Christ Worth Following?

John 1:35-42 • Steve Swartz

December 11, 2016

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 4: Is Christ Appointed by God

John 1:43-51 • Steve Swartz

January 22, 2017

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 5: Is My Heart Transformed by Christ?

John 2:1-11 • Steve Swartz

January 29, 2017

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 6: Is Christ the Center of My Worship?

John 2:12-22 • Steve Swartz

February 5, 2017

Pre-Flight Checklist, Part 7: Is Christ Man’s Judge?

John 2:23-25 • Steve Swartz