Pre-Flight Checklist
Four Identifications Showing Christ was Appointed by God
Trusting Christ with the care of our eternal souls is a very big deal. Hence, verifying his credentials to be such a perfect savior is of utmost importance. Here are 4 identifications that show Christ is who he said he was.
How Should the Church aim to be Perceived by the Community?
The Church of Jesus Christ has a very delicate balance to strike. And we can go the one extreme or the other. On one extreme, a church wrongly designs itself completely around the unbeliever, that seeker-sensitive nonsense that says that we're here to try to make unbelievers comfortable with Jesus....
Pre-Flight Checklist
Five Devastating Trends Hindering Biblical "Growing-up"
Believing that Christ is worth following is only half the matter. Following Christ and growing up spiritually is extremely important. Here are 5 things to avoid when seeking to mature in Christ and grow up Biblically.
Should I Give to my Family, or to the Needy?
The life of a Christian really is defined very much by giving. We are to deny ourselves, we're to take up our cross, we're to follow Christ, and that is a life of giving. We are, as men, for example, called to give to our families, we're to provide for them, we are as families called to give to the...