Foundation of Trust and Loyalty
- A decision you make
- Not based in perfectionism or not being disappointed
- Based in love for one another
- Based in the extension of grace
- Based in mutual support to desire the successful ministry of each other
- Based in knowing that a unified leadership is a peaceful and unified church
- Beware that familiarity can breed contempt
- ILL: My personal policy is to always err on the side of defending and support our leadership and I expect the same in return for the sake of the church.
Mutual Deference
- Hold getting your way lightly on all matters of opinion
- Disagree if you must but defer when you can
- Never make someone else look bad or foolish in your disagreement
- Do not let bad feelings fester about not getting your way on something
Loyalty to the Corporate Direction
- Watch for self-fulfilling prophecies
- Test everything against Colossians 1:28—you can support anything that is aimed at that goal
- Watch for undermining decisions and directions by not being all in or holding back your support
- Remember that no one gets everything the way he wants it
- Never assume a complete understanding of Ecclesiology
- Watch for personal motives (benefitting my own family, my own wishes, etc)
Prevent and Avoid “Meetings after the meetings”
- Among elders—we are not to speak negatively of another
- Among deacons—we are not to speak negatively of another
- Among leadership team—
- We are to speak positively of one another to others and to our wives (teach your wives to do the same).
- We are not to build doubts in the minds of others (e.g., our wives) about another leader.
- Share that which is good and encouraging, that which encourages others to love the church
- We follow the Head, not the feet; therefore, beware of becoming a delegate who brings the pressure others put on you into the leadership process
Think less about personal satisfaction and more about sacrificial service
- Focus on building your team as a shepherd
- Keep the gospel continually in front of you
- Keep Christ continually in front of you as the one observing your leadership and decisions
- Think in terms of years not weeks and months—wait on the Lord
Be able to give and receive correction and direction
- We all need each other’s perspective—let that be okay
- We all need each other’s perspective—let that be okay
Guard carefully your thoughts of one another
- Love and pray for each other
- Guard your words
- Work to encourage and build each other up
Freedom to Fail and Expectation to Improve
- Freedom to grow and to learn from experience
- Become the expert in your area
Decision Making
- Decision process
- Go up the org chart?
- Take care of it personally?
- Delegate it to a team member?
- Discussion—
- Keeping leaders in the loop vs asking permission—How do you know? Relationship and time working together.
- Keeping leaders in the loop vs asking permission—How do you know? Relationship and time working together.
- Decision process
Follow-Through on Developing Your Ministry (Priority Threes)
- Make a plan (oil the trigger)
- Timing
- Details
- Resources
- Consultation up the org chart
- Execute the plan (pull the trigger)
- Make adjustments to the plan
- Execute the adjustments
- Make a plan (oil the trigger)
Posted September 7, 2024