1. Foundation of Trust and Loyalty

    • A decision you make
    • Not based in perfectionism or not being disappointed
    • Based in love for one another
    • Based in the extension of grace
    • Based in mutual support to desire the successful ministry of each other
    • Based in knowing that a unified leadership is a peaceful and unified church
    • Beware that familiarity can breed contempt
    • ILL: My personal policy is to always err on the side of defending and support our leadership and I expect the same in return for the sake of the church.

  2. Mutual Deference

    • Hold getting your way lightly on all matters of opinion
    • Disagree if you must but defer when you can
    • Never make someone else look bad or foolish in your disagreement
    • Do not let bad feelings fester about not getting your way on something

  3. Loyalty to the Corporate Direction

    • Watch for self-fulfilling prophecies
    • Test everything against Colossians 1:28—you can support anything that is aimed at that goal
    • Watch for undermining decisions and directions by not being all in or holding back your support
    • Remember that no one gets everything the way he wants it
    • Never assume a complete understanding of Ecclesiology
    • Watch for personal motives (benefitting my own family, my own wishes, etc)

  4. Prevent and Avoid “Meetings after the meetings”

    • Among elders—we are not to speak negatively of another
    • Among deacons—we are not to speak negatively of another
    • Among leadership team—
      1. We are to speak positively of one another to others and to our wives (teach your wives to do the same).
      2. We are not to build doubts in the minds of others (e.g., our wives) about another leader.
      3. Share that which is good and encouraging, that which encourages others to love the church
      4. We follow the Head, not the feet; therefore, beware of becoming a delegate who brings the pressure others put on you into the leadership process

  5. Think less about personal satisfaction and more about sacrificial service

    • Focus on building your team as a shepherd
    • Keep the gospel continually in front of you
    • Keep Christ continually in front of you as the one observing your leadership and decisions
    • Think in terms of years not weeks and months—wait on the Lord

  6. Be able to give and receive correction and direction

    • We all need each other’s perspective—let that be okay

  7. Guard carefully your thoughts of one another

    • Love and pray for each other
    • Guard your words
    • Work to encourage and build each other up

  8. Freedom to Fail and Expectation to Improve

    • Freedom to grow and to learn from experience
    • Become the expert in your area

  9. Decision Making

    • Decision process
      1. Go up the org chart?
      2. Take care of it personally?
      3. Delegate it to a team member?
    • Discussion—
      1. Keeping leaders in the loop vs asking permission—How do you know? Relationship and time working together.

  10. Follow-Through on Developing Your Ministry (Priority Threes)

    • Make a plan (oil the trigger)
      1. Timing
      2. Details
      3. Resources
      4. Consultation up the org chart
    • Execute the plan (pull the trigger)
    • Make adjustments to the plan
    • Execute the adjustments

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