In an age in which gender roles have been marred and confused even in the Church of Jesus Christ, Profile of a Godly Wife offers a return to the glorious God-given character of a woman who worships God in the daily activities of her life. Written from the perspective of the Hebrew poetic structure of the famous poem of Proverbs 31:10-31, Dr. Swartz delivers an exegetically sound as well as easily applicable explanation of this majestic text for Christian women. He explains the story behind the Proverbs 31 poem and the surprising original recipient of this poem from a mother to her son. Several key features set this book apart. First, chapter one gives a helpful explanation concerning how to understand Proverbs 31. Second, the core of the book is organized around the classic Hebrew poetic structure of the poem, with each section giving a valuable lesson for Christian wives and mothers. Finally, the appendices include unique helps such as helpful thoughts for grandmothers (written by seasoned Christian grandmothers) and for mothers of special needs children (written by Sylvia Swartz). This book will help your walk with Christ as a wife and mother and could serve — as the original intent of the poem shows — to train a young man as to what to look for in a wife.
From Steve Swartz
Profile of a Godly Wife: The Amazing Story of Proverbs 31

Resource Details
- Author: Steve Swartz
- Publisher: Steadfast Publishing
- ISBN: 979-8727903827
- Publication Date: March 24, 2021
- Online Reseller: Visit to Purchase