What to Do in Times of Waiting: Three Examples from Noah's Wife

Apr 8, 2020

Strength in the Desert

What to Do in Times of Waiting: Three Examples from Noah's Wife

The key to waiting on the Lord, from the perspective of Noah’s wife, is to do what you are supposed to do right now. Keep your eyes off next year or the next decade and keep them on today. Be loyal to God’s call for you right now. Noah’s wife gives us three great examples of being loyal to God’s call.

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How to Begin Waiting on the Lord: Three Practical Steps

Apr 7, 2020

Strength in the Desert

How to Begin Waiting on the Lord: Three Practical Steps

Many have experienced what might be called "the moment." This is the realization that life is not turning out as expected, and you have no other option than to wait on the Lord. This moment might be a serious diagnosis, heartbreaking news, or the realization of a lost relationship. When we are called upon by our Sovereign God to wait upon him, there is a choice to be made of how you will handle such a time.

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Don't Test the Lord - Do These Three Things Instead

Apr 2, 2020

Strength in the Desert

Don't Test the Lord - Do These Three Things Instead

When Israel was wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, they became disgruntled, discontented, and dissatisfied. Although God was providing everything they needed to survive and be healthy, they thought they deserved more.

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Four Ways to be Thankful During Uncertain Times

Mar 20, 2020

Strength in the Desert

Four Ways to be Thankful During Uncertain Times

Do you feel like the desert owl of Psalm 102, abandoned and alone, wondering where God is and what he is doing? This life can seem uncertain and unsettling sometimes, but instead of worrying and complaining, we can learn a lesson from a people that literally found themselves stranded in a wilderness.

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