Should I Give to my Family, or to the Needy?

March 4, 2020

Should I Give to my Family, or to the Needy?


The life of a Christian really is defined very much by giving. We are to deny ourselves, we're to take up our cross, we're to follow Christ, and that is a life of giving. We are, as men, for example, called to give to our families, we're to provide for them, we are as families called to give to the work of the church, and through the church also we are to help those within the body who are in need. And that is at the discretion of the elders, the leadership of your church, so really, being a Christian and saying, "I don't give," those two don't go together. You give to your family, you give to your church, you give to those in need. That's what being a Christian is.

¿Debo ayudar a mi familia o dar a los necesitados?

Sabes, la vida de un cristiano se define en el dar. Nos negamos a nosotros mismos, tomamos nuestra cruz, seguimos a Cristo, y esa es una vida de dar. Como humanos, debemos dar a nuestras familias, proveerles, como familias debemos dar al trabajo de la iglesia y, a través de la iglesia, también ayudamos a quienes están necesitados. Y es a discreción de los mayores, del liderazgo de la iglesia, así que, ser un cristiano y decir "Yo no doy", esas dos cosas no van juntas. Le das a tu familia, le das a tu iglesia, le das a los necesitados. Eso es ser un cristiano.

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