I'm 30 and still single, what if God's timing never happens?

July 30, 2020

I'm 30 and still single, what if God's timing never happens?


Yeah I've heard this question and it's almost always from young ladies because they understand that they want to have children and there is the proverbial biological clock ticking. But the bigger issue is do I believe in the sovereignty of God? And the fact is is that God's plan for you is infinitely better than your own and His call to you at this moment is to be content today. Don't make the mistake of believing that you will be content if only circumstances A, B and C would fall into place, 'cause I guarantee you, you'll look back and you'll regret that you weren't content in the moment. And so don't worry about the number, whether you're 30, 31, 35 or 40, it doesn't matter. Just be content in the Lord and let Him work in your life, work hard for the Gospel and do those things that are pleasing to him and let Him worry about that part of your life.

Tengo 30 años y sigo soltero, ¿y si el tiempo de Dios nunca sucede?

Sí, he oído esta pregunta y casi siempre viene de mujeres jóvenes, porque entienden que quieren tener hijos y está el reloj biológico proverbial corriendo. Pero el problema mayor es "¿creo en la soberanía de Dios? Y el hecho es que el plan de Dios para ti es infinitamente mejor que el tuyo y Su llamado en este momento es que estén contentas. No cometas el error de creer que estarás satisfecha si solo las circunstancias A, B y C están en su lugar, porque te garantizo que verás atrás y te arrepentirás de no estar contenta al momento. Así que no te preocupes por el número, ya sea que tengas 30, 31, 35 o 40, no importa. Sigue contenta en el Señor y déjalo trabajar en tu vida, trabaja duro para el Evangelio y haz esas cosas que lo complacen, déjale a Él preocuparse de esa parte de tu vida.

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